Sunday, October 3, 2010

Assignment 7: Ibu Construction

Intention : Make the struts for the big dome
Actor: All RUS101 students
Act: Cut the bamboo according to size and put on the connectors on both ends of the bamboo strut
Rule: The length of bamboo strut must be accurate and the connectors must be connect tightly to the strut
Product: Struts with connectors for the bid dome
Place: School of HBP, Bamboo site

I thought it was a simple project...then.......

Mr. WanB brief about the task given

Ladies first to choose the strut that need to be done

The length of the strut of each strut, I'm in C which is 2.503m long

Choose the bamboo

Cut it in length that we want

Strut is ready for further process

Take the bamboo to School of HBP

Explanation by X-man

Reduce diameter of the end of the strut to fix in the connector

Cut the pipe for our connector

Wait for our turn to cut the pipe

Burn the pipe

Make the part of the connector flat

Make hole on the connector

Before we fix in the connectors, we just know that the length given is suppose to be the length from the hole to hole of the connectors but not the bamboo strut's length. So....we need to correct the length of our bamboo strut again.

At last, the struts done