Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Assignment 10B: RUS101-XZBIT (Dymaxion)

This assignment is given by Mr. Rusli, we were asked to make a dymaxion with 20 faces full of our pictures.

Photostat the outline of the dymaxion globe.

Make lines using pencil on the photostated paper for trace.

Finished trace on the card board.

Cut it out.

Make line using steel ruler.

Fold the edges.

Globe done.

Laser printed picture on 100 gsm paper.

Double sided tape is used to paste the pictures.

Write details on one face of the globe.

My dymaxion globe is totally done^^
Intention: Make our own dymaxion globe.
Actor: Me
Act: Trace, cut, paste...
Rule: The size of the globe must same as the size given.
Product: My dymaxion globe
Place: Exhibit in Studio 100.