Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Assignment 3C: 6-Balloon Black Bamboo Box

Intention: Build a black box that can fill up with 6 standard-sized balloons using bamboo

Actor : Nelson Wong Siew Khiing (Me)

Act :Every process to produce my black box (draft out my black box, slide the bamboo, joint the bamboo, cover up with newspaper and sugar paper...)

Rule : Black box must be made from bamboo and can fill up 6 standard-sized balloons where no part of the balloons should be expose.

Product:Dark Launcher

:Indah Kembara, Cahaya Gemilang Cafe, Corridor near E48B and reading room of Cahaya Gemilang

Draft my box

My draft

Cut the bamboo

Bamboo in the length that I want

Make it smooth

Bamboos for my black box

Joint the bond

Strenghten the bond using hot glue gun

Skeleton structure of my black box

Cover up using newspaper

Another layer of black sugar paper

Dark Launcher is born!

Here, who had choosen by Mr Wan present their black box.
Unfortunately, the black box that we done had all reject by Mr Wan with the main reason of the weight.

Redo of the black box

This time light material is used (bamboo satay stick, black plastic bag, thread, tape)

Simple structure

Lighter balloon black box