Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dots and Lines

This assignment required us to sketch by using dots and lines only respectively on two photos taken at HBP. (intention, rule)

Different types of pencils and pens are used to sketch. (rule)

Sketching according to the photo. (actor, act)

Sketch using lines. (product, place)

Sketch using dots. (product, place)

This is the first time I sketch by using only dots or lines and I'm satisfied with my works^^

*Patient is needed to produce a good product

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Assignment 2C: The 101 Mask

We were asked to make 2 masks :
1) Skin colour mask

2) Black and White emotion mask
(intention, rule)
We try to ask seniors and others about the way to make mask.

Firstly, we use toilet paper to make the mask but its fail.
This is because it take a long time to dry,the mask still not completely dry yet although we use hair dryer for about 4 hours.(actor, act)

After this, we found that it work by using mahjong paper.

Yvonne and Joe Win help me on my mask.(actor, act)

Colouring (act)

My masks (product)

Submission: Parade 1 metre apart around the HBP and photography section. (rule, place)

*Try different method to achieve success

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Assignment 2B: Man-Made Structure

After the nature structure and now come to man-made structure.
Still with bamboo, now we need to make our own Bamboo Sound Tool (BST).

Instructions given (rule)

This is how our product should be show on A2 board. (rule, place)

During the class, Mr Wan B tried to give some idea on how we can make sound from bamboo.

I(actor) decided to make a bamboo shaker which is a part of bamboo with little stones inside.(intention)

Choose a suitable part of bamboo.(act)

Here is my BST. (product)

Usage of my BST during the performance in GETTHO. (act)

My product on A2 board. (product,place)


Bamboo Sense

We were asked by Mr. Rusli to describe "what you see", "what you heard" and "what you smelled" from pictures of rattan basket which showed by him.

The first thing that came out in my mind was "Whats going on ==".
How come we can heard and smell from pictures. But then I think that there must be purpose of this Bamboo Sense section. Maybe it is about our imagination and to make us to think in many different ways.

Here is my words to describe the rattan basket that showed by Mr. Rusli.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Assignment 2A: Natural Structure

This assignment want us to study using sketches of the bamboo structure.

All of us were asked to gather at the bamboo site to do observation on bamboo trees at 1630 19 July 2010.
Unfortunately, there was a QS Club meeting on that time.So, we were exempted to join the site visit.

After the QS Club meeting, we(actor) decided to go to the bamboo site by ourselves.(intention)

Found a bamboo cluster.

Bamboo shoot.

Special bamboo.



We are asked to do our work on a A2 board.(rule,place)


My logo which show "NW", stand for Nelson Wong.

Here is my product


*Use natural as basic of study
*Never fight natural